422309-001 | |
Monitoreo de pacientes | |
Monitores de pacientes | |
GE Sistemas Médicos de México S.A. de C.V | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Please enter approval number
Don't know your approval number? Call 800-437-1171
Enter opt 1 for the first three prompts, and have your System ID available.
If you add item(s) to cart and submit your order without the
approval number, GE will contact you before your order
can be confirmed for shipment.
Select your approver's name and submit to add item(s) to your cart
Please Select Approver Name
Don't know your approval number? Call 800-437-1171
Enter opt 1 for the first three prompts, and have your System ID available.
If you add item(s) to cart and submit your order without
selecting an approver, GE will contact you before your order
can be confirmed for shipment.
- Reliable and durable
- Does not contain any dust, dirt, oils, grease, lint, fibers, paper, rust, chips, cleaning solutions, corrosive products, tarnish, machining coolants and other foreign material
- Free of voids, nicks and other imperfections
- No sharp edges, burrs, or corners
Descripción del producto
Mango de tablero de inserción de luz de alarma - 3000 partes (accesible desde el exterior)
Características adicionales
- No noticeable dark specs, streaks, slay marks, scratches
- It is a ROHS compliant